Saturday, October 1, 2011

Consignment sale junkie

Since my last post, I have now been to consignment sales 3 different times (I don't know what I was so nervous about LOL), and don't tell Richard but I have been googling, looking for more in my area to go to :).

I went to the one last Saturday, where I registered to go early as a first time mom, and I was able to find a swing.  Its not the plug in electric one that I REALLY REALLY wanted that they had (I saw a picture of it on their facebook page) but its the same type.  Its a Fisher Price, Nature's touch cradle swing. It plays music, has nature sounds, a mobile, mirror, play tray with toys on it.  But downside its battery powered.  But I can get over that,  It serves its purpose.  It rocks from side to side instead of front to back.  She much prefers to be rocked from side to side.  Everything that we have that moves she is rocked side to side, so she ended up not liking the swing that we had gotten as a gift from some friends of ours.  So I will probably save it and take it to the grandparent's house or sell it online or something like that. 

At that particular sale I was able to get lots and lots of toys for her as well for Christmas.  I got her 12 mini board books for $2, several outfits for the winter.  A bouncy chair for my parent's so I don't have to drag mine over there all the time anymore.  and I got a cute penguin bowling set, and a ride to push toy for when she starts to learn to walk, and I got a popping machine, and a talking dog that talks when you push hands and feet and tummy and nose.  So she is good with toys for Christmas now.  At least that's what I keep telling Richard.  I am sure that there will be other things that I will buy her.

On Wednesday I went to a local consignment sale near my house that the PTO of a local school was holding.  She didn't have that many winter type clothing in the sizes that she was needing, so I needed to get some sleepers and outfits and things like that.  I cleaned up on sleepers.  I got 10 of them from sizes 3-6 to 9-12 months, and I didn't pay more than $4 for any of them.  I even got 3 of them for $4!  Pretty good deal if you ask me.  I had also bought a couple of outfits that I really wanted that I didn't want to chance them not having if I went back, I ended up spending about $27.  I got the 10 sleepers, 1 coat, and 2 outfits.  Not a bad deal if I do say so myself.

Well Friday, I decided to go back.  They were having 50% off most of the items, and I wanted to get some actual outfits.  I didn't want to spend a whole lot on Wednesday when I went, and I figured that there would be lots left over and I was right.  There was a TON.  I was able to get probably 10 more outfits, all half price, and they are all separates too.  Lots with jeans so they can be used with future children, (girl or boy) so there are tons of posibilties.  I also found a ring sling for $4!!!!  I couldn't pass it up.  I already have a sling, but its a little small, and this is adjustable so it can be used when she gets bigger.  Its a deal I couldn't pass up.

But with these past 3 times going to sales, I am completely addicted.  I have to go to more to see if I can get that great deal.  I just can't help it.  I'm a sale junkie anyways, and this just feeds that passion LOL.  I don't know how I can hold out till the spring sales when I can get her spring and summer wardrobe stocked :D  

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