Friday, April 26, 2013

11 weeks

Join me on this wonderful journey as our family goes from 3 to 4

Weight Gain: I've lost weight since finding out about this baby.  At the last appointment I weighed 225  Starting weight: 232 (Can't believe I just admitted that).

Cravings:  I haven't been craving much so far,  just meat really.  Last time with Leigha I remember it being hamburgers, but this time its pretty much any kind of meat. Also, like last time, if I crave it and actually manage to eat it, I don't want it any more.

Aversions: Almost all food.  I can only eat something if i have a taste for it.  Sadly this means Richard has been eating lots of hot dogs and pizzas while i've been sustaining on crackers and bread.

Symptoms: I don't really have any symptoms other than bad nausea.  I don't remember it being like this with Leigha.  Its also already uncomfortable sleeping on my stomach like I like to unless i prop myself up on one side.

I am loving: Getting waited on by Richard.  He is very attentive and excited this time around.  He is also very understanding about me feeling sick and not wanting to eat.

Sleep: Horriffic.  I wake up at least 2 times during the middle of the night to use the bathroom and lately because of teething (I think) Leigha is waking up as well.  I'm so tired I can't hardly stand. 

I miss: My energy.  My nausea has started to get a little better over the last couple of weeks, but my energy is still on a downhill spiral.

I am looking forward to: My next appointment on May 7th.

I'm spazzing about: Having a second baby and the labor and caring for a newborn and PPD and the rash that I developed with Leigha happening again.  I'm just a worried mess.

Best moment this week: Nothing really this week other than Leigha took the Doppler that I bought and has figured out how to use it and has started to put it on my stomach.

Milestones: None yet that I can think of unless you count that the kidneys are now functioning.

Movement: Nothing yet.

It's a...: No clue!

Exercise: I did go with my new sister-in-law to a women's trade show at our convention center  and walked around their new house to see it as its getting built.  It was a fun afternoon and I got lots of walking in. 

Diet: I'm just trying to eat something each day, and trying to make it a healthy choice.

Goals for the upcoming week: Start cleaning out the new baby's room which is currently being used as storage. 

Weeks 10, 11, 12 with Leigha

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